Brief History of United Pentecostal Church of North East India (UPC NEI)


Before the emergence of United Pentecostal Church in North East India, there was a revival which was carried on by the Wales Missionaries. Especially in Mizoram, the revival has been taking place approximately around five times, which led to the outbreak of the true Pentecostal Revival, speaking tongues like the Day of Pentecost. In this paper we shall deal with those revival and the results of revival will be concluded by the emergence of UPC in North East India.



1.1.FIRST REVIVAL: The Pentecostal Revival was happen in Azusa Street in January 1st 1901, the Wales Revival followed in the year 1904. The Wales Revival brought a Missionary to Meghalaya in which the Khasi people received a revival. In February, 1906 the Khasis’ are having Assembly in related to the happening of Revival Movement in their land. The nine church members from Mizoram along with Mizoram’s Missionaries DE Jones and Edwin Rowlands attended the Assembly in Meghalaya. After staying there for a few days they returned back home to Aizawl. When they reached Chaltlang they are having a mass prayer in the road side, then they received the Holy Spirit. By singing a song of praises to the Lord they entered Aizawl streets. Since, that was the first time to witnessed the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in Mizoram, many people were converted into Christian due to such circumstances. This was the first Revival ever happen in Mizoram but it does not take effect to the whole Mizoram.


1.2.SECOND REVIVAL: The second Revival Movement was started in the year 1913. It was powerful than the previous. This revival effects the whole Mizoram. The people who received this revival were filled with the Holy Spirit which enhance them that the coming of Jesus is very near. It was emerged out from Mission Veng, Aizawl. This revival touch many people, but the unknown tongues is not yet popular among them. There was a remarkable person who was Chalchhuana from Durtlang who have received the unknown tongues. But, since it was not received by many, they do not take much importance to it.


1.3.THIRD REVIVAL: During the year 1919, the spreading of influenza in Mizoram has killed many people lives. Their situation was very worse in every places. Meanwhile, in July 16, 1919 the revival was happening again for the third time all over Mizoram. This revival covers the whole Mizoram especially some places like, Nisapui, Thingsai, Zotlang, Lunglei were the extreme region of this revival. This revival last from 1919 till 1921, around 19, 197 were converted into Christian. The 1931 census recorded that there were 1,24,404 people in Mizoram, out of that 59,123 were Christian. The remaining 65,281 were believed to be Chakma, Bru and Vai (Plain people). While in 1900 the Christians were only 15 in numbers.


1.4. FOURTH REVIVAL: In the year 1922 another revival has emerged in Mizoram for the fifth time. It was emerged out from Chawngtlai village which covers the whole part of Mizoram. Those who received this revival were used to tremble and paralyzed. Due to such condition the Church leaders could not comprehend it. Some believe that it was false spirit, even the Presbyterian Church of Mizoram has appoint Rev. Liangkhaia and Suaka to investigate those spiritual behavior. The Baptist Church from South of Mizoram were very serious about these spiritual movements, they doubted and against it. They take a possible way not to spread this Holy Spirit during the services within the church. The Pastor, Evangelist and even the Missionary were against these spiritual acts.


1.5. FIFTH REVIVAL: The revival broke out again in the year 1934 which brought great changes in Mizoram. It was started from Hlimen South village and reach till Tanhril village; hence it covers the whole Mizoram. This revival is very different that the others, it brought the speaking in tongues just like the Day of Pentecost. For those who were filled with the Holy Spirit were called as “Hlimsang”. The Zion songs and the Zion tongues became very popular during this revival. The true Pentecostal Revival was happen during this time. But, unfortunately, the church leaders were against this revival; the speaking in tongues, and singing zion songs. For those who were against this revival condemned those who received the Holy Spirit were the works of a devil. They were despise and resisted by the church. The revival was even happening mightily in Kelkang village in the year 1937. The revival was getting mightier than before, they even received Spiritual words from God. Unfortunately, they were extremely opposed by the religious leaders and by the Magistrate AC Mc Call. He even make a penalties for those spiritual men and women by creating law and order from his authority in order to punish them. They were highly opposed and even were despise, rejected and  try to eradicate the gift of the Holy Spirit. But, God was with them during those hard times.


The majority of the Church members including the Church leaders and the Government officials were opposing the work of the Holy Spirit. They did not allowed any kinds of practices, drums or related things which could make the move of the Holy Spirit, they don’t have place anymore inside the Church.



In the late January of 1949, Reverend and Mrs E.L Scism along with their two children, Harry and Ferne, boarded the SS Cina Mail in Portland, Oregon, to begin the long journey to India. As the Scism family stood on the deck of the China Mail looking down to the dock where family and friends were standing, the freighter began to slowly pull away from the dock. Someone asked E.L Scism’s father, John Scism how he would rather see the bones of his son bleach on the shores of India than for him to be out of God’s divine will. He did not know if he would see his son and family again, but above all he wanted them to be in God’s perfect will.

Little did any of that group gathered in Portland, Oregon, telling the Scism family goodbye realized that God had placed His hand upon them to bring into existence a strong and wonderful church in the nation of India.

After experiencing numerous problems in settling in a new country, not to speak of all the physical problems pertaining to surgery in the mountains, Brother Ellis Scism received an invitation from Sister Tellie Greer to visit the Lushai Hills of North East India. As a result, Rev. Ellis Luther Scism along with Sister Tellie Greer and Brother Nathaniel Parmar travelled to Aizawl on February 18, 1950, and there established the United Pentecostal Church on February 19, 1950. This was the beginning of a beautiful story of victory, blessing, triumph and the remarkable working of God’s spirit.

Brother and Sister Ellis Scism continued their ministry in India until 1965, when because of Brother Ellis Scism’s broken health it become necessary for them to return to the homeland. For fifteen years, Rev. Ellis Scism continued to visit Mizoram travelling at least one time each or when necessary more frequently. From the beginning in Aizawl and in Mizoram, the church in North East India eventually became the strong church it is today.

The revival movement, which was in existence in the Lushai Hills in the beginning, carried with it certain concepts and practices, which were not in accordance with God’s word. While promoting revival and growth, it was also necessary to establish these revivalists in the word of God so that they would truly be Bible loving and Bible believing Christians and be on a foundation, which could not be easily shaken.

The greatest challenge before EL Scism was to find a way through the teaching of God’s word to better establish these revivalists. The sincere and hungry hearts of the people of North East India made this challenge much easier. Their love for God and their love for His word were so evident and they were very responsive to every effort made to establish a strong United Pentecostal Church.


Rev. Harry E. Scism proposed to form two separate units in India for the betterment in administration, richer evangelism and faster growth of the Church. This was accepted by the Foreign Missions Division of the UPCI. As a result, on March 21, 1969, was created the North East India Unit in Shillong, Meghalaya as its headquarters. The rest was left under the India Unit, with Rev. George Shalm as the first Superintendent after partition. During the inauguration of the new Unit, NE INida Unit UPC had around 30,000 members, covering eight states, viz., Arunachal Prades, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. However, from December, 1988 West Bengal became part of the NE India unit and again the Andaman and Nicobar Island is now included in this Unit from February, 2007. Following the resolution of 2003 NEI General UPC Conference, the Headquarters office is also being shifted from Shillong to Aizawl, beginning from August, 2004.


The First General Conference was held at Peak Hotel, Shillong on March 20-21, 1969 with Rev. Harry E. Scism as its Chairman. Rev. Oscar Vouga, Director of Foreign Missions of UPCI and Rev. George Shalm, Superintendent of India Unit UPC were special guests.

In that General Conference, General Officers were appointed and elected. At the recommendation of the General Board of the UPCI, Rev. Oscar Vouga appointed Rev. Harry E. Scism as the first General Superintendent of NE India Unit UPC. Rev. J. Damhuala was elected to be the first Assistant General Superintendent. Various departmental heads were also appointed there in the First General Conference which were as follows:

General PYD President                      Rev. KL Hnuna

General PYD Secretary                      Rev. K. Satinvela

General LAD President                      Sister Audrene Scism

General SS Director                            Rev. J. Laltluanga

General SS Secretary                          Rev. R. Hrangvunga

The General Missions Department was formed only in the Fouth General Conference held at Adur, Kerela, on February 24, 1972. Therefore,

1st General Missions Director                          Rev. J Damhuala

1st General Missions Secretary-Treasurer        Rev. KL Hnuna.



The Church, from its very beginning years in North East India region, underwent several problems and difficulties like false teachings, factionalist tendencies, etc., both from within and outside. However, it survived such devil’s works and continues to grow till today. Inspite of all those difficulties and attacks by the power of evil, the Church progressed in every sphere, especially in her mission and evangelism, by the grace of God. Missionaries are sent to various places in NE India, West Bengal, Andaman, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal.



Golden Jubilee Souvenir of the United Pentecostal Church of North East India

Pentecostal History and Hermeneutics written by LC Tluanga Sailo

A Thesis on the topic of The United Pentecostal Church of North East India: Its History and Doctrine by K. Lalrokima


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KAWNG AWLSAM A NI LO - Jacky Chhakchhuak

RAH THA (Thuziak tawi)