
Showing posts from January, 2018


1.      Who was Melchizedek? The meeting of Abraham with Melchizedek Who Melchizedek was is not made clear. All that is known historically of Melchizedek is contained in the Bible, in Genesis 4: 18; Psalms 110 and Hebrews 5: 6,7. Melchizedek was the king of Salem and priest of Most High God ( el elyon) . [1] Melchizedek is an old Canaanite name meaning “My King Is [the god] Sedek ” or “My King Is Righteousness” (the meaning of the similar Hebrew cognate). [2] Philo and others commonly interpreted Old Testament names allegorically. Jews like Philo and Josephus also interpreted Melchizedek’s name as the writer of Hebrews does (as melek, “king,” plus tsedeq, “righteousness”). [3] T he incident which connects him with history is the story of how Abraham, returning to his own country with the spoils captured from Chedorlaomer who was battling Lot, his sons and tribe and whom, Abraham sought to rescue, gave tithes to this superior functionary, Melchizedek, high priest of righteo